eTIC Charter

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Adins has signed the charter (code of ethics) "eTIC" - signing number 435.


This code of ethics is available at


Any breaches of this charter may be reported at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

The “eTIC” charter is effective in the Benelux and North of France. However we do our best to stick to these principles with all our customers.

The following text is a very short, non-official summary of the “eTIC” charter :

1. Match between the service and the customer
The supplier is responsible for proposing services that corresponds to needs expressed by the customer…

2. Scope of the project
The scope of the project must be clearly defined: deliverables, limits, exclusion, planning….

3. Mastering of costs and delays
The customer must be informed of costs, delays and total budget…Recurring cost must be highlighted…

4. Responsibilities
The supplier is responsible for the good execution of the contract. The supplier will ask the customer to validate intermediate results at regular intervals…

5. Resources
The supplier must inform the customer about available resources...

6. Sustainability or portability of the solution
The supplier will inform the customer about the measures taken to protect the customer against the disappearance of the supplier or one of its contractors.

7. Intellectual property

The supplier commits to provide clear and transparent information concerning the intellectual property of the developed solution.

The suppliers signing the charter are committed to these 7 principles and declare committing themselves to respect them for their customers’ benefits. They will do their best to respect the spirit and values of the charter.
In case of troubles, the supplier will adopt a positive attitude privileging the customer interest and the good end of the contract.
In case of dispute, the suppliers will propose to use arbitration services before to take legal actions.

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